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Dude, Where’s My Car?

May 6, 2011

Disturbing news: the white Jeep Cherokee of TK (aka @4ogoingon28) HAS BEEN STOLEN.

While TK has provided some helpful suggestions as to the potential location of his vehicle based on its personality, I suspect something more sinister is in order: TIME TRAVEL.

I just happened to be watching the Planet of the Apes, and what do I see?

It’s been a while, but apparently time, space and sand have all shifted:

On the off chance that some sort of horrible rift in the time space continuum ALSO sent TK’s car into the past (like Calvin sitting the wrong way in his cardboard time travel box), I ordered the Burrito Justice Historical Resource Unit to check into historical archives.

Check out this photo I just found in the UC Berkeley historical archives!

Zooming in a little, we see that TK, not the earthquake, was responsible for one of Valencia Street’s great tragedies.

Sorry, TK, either Charlton has it, or it’s buried deep within the Valencia St Gulch. Time to buy a hybrid.

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